- Possession
- Transfer of Property
- Priority
- Lease
- Property Right and Right to People
- Property Right and Personal Right
- Family and Persoanl Law
- Wills
- Probate and letters of Administration
- Succession
- Company Formation
- Corporate Financing
- Merger and Acquistions
- Technology Transfer
- International Commercial Transaction
- Bankruptey and winding up
- Joint Venture
- Negligence
- Motor Vehicle Act
- Defamation
- Wrongful death
- Catastrophic Injury
- Business Contract
- Government Contract and tenders
- Franchise agreement
- Securitisation Act
- and DRAT litigation
- Banking law and Regulations
- Negotiable Instrument Act
- International Arbirtration
- Arrest and Release of Ships
- Anti dumping
- Environment Protection
- Pollution
- Electricity
- Solar Energy
- Renewable Energy
- Registration of Trust, Society
- Disputes arising out of trust and society
- Copy right and trade mark matters
- Intellectual property litigation, Agreements
- Infringement and Passing off
- Cyber Law
- E-Commerce
- Industrial Dispute
- Labour Matter
- Land Acquisition
- Purchase and Development , re development
- Title verification and due diligence
- Documentation and conveyance
- Administration and Maintenance
Property Law:-
Estate and Succession:-
Corporate Law:-
Personal Injury:-
Contract Law:-
Banking a and Debt Recovery
Admiralty Jurisdication :-
Environment Law:-
Energy Law:-
Trust and Society Law:-
Intellectual Property:-
Information Technology:-
Labour Law:-
Real Estate:-
Foreign Investment:-
Areas of Practice
Contact Us
Email: Email:
Tel: +91 - 44- 35932138
Mob: +91- 9444255153, 9884210212
Tel: +91 - 44- 35932138
Mob: +91- 9444255153, 9884210212